1Thes2:13-20 Orphaned but not Unloved
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# Orphaned
but not Unloved ## 1 Thessalonians 2:13-20 >>> + **Hard** to continue **growing** as Chr + may **slow**, stop, or backslide + Can be **lonely** path to walk + In **walk** w/Chr, **all** of us exp loneliness + even amidst supportive **friends**, + wonderful **family**, happy **marriage** --- # How do I handle
**loneliness** in my
Christian walk? >>> + Not **failure** of faith + But natural **conseq** of growth: seasons + feel **adrift**: guide/mentor + feeling **isolated** when under attack + feeling **forgotten** and unloved + No **surprise**: follow footsteps of + Chr, the man of **sorrows** + Take comfort in His **presence** + as we open up **Word** of God + to behold the **Lamb** of God ______ + Your Word promises + You are near to the **brokenhearted** + We **present** hearts + lives before You + Show us where wandered **astray** + Guide us back **home** to You Father + In fellwshp w/**believers** worldwide + To proclaim Your **Name** + until the day of Your **return** --- ## Growing Together, While Apart | *1* | Impact of **Faith** | |---|---| | *2a* | Toil of **Love** | | *2b* | Orphaned but **Loved** | | *3* | Strength from **Hope** | | *4* | Growing in Purity + **Love** | | *5a* | **Hope** of Salvation | | *5b* | Acts of **Faith** | >>> + Theme of 1Thess: encouragment **FHL** + 1st half: Thes' **relationship** w/Paul + and **response** to gospel + 2nd half: addr **questions** / issues + ch2: **encour** + deep **love**: **comfort** + Thes endured great **suffering** + for sake of gospel --- ## Orphaned but not Unloved When we feel: 1. **Directionless** [(v13)](# "ref") 1. **Attacked** [(v14-16)](# "ref") 1. **Forgotten** [(v17-20)](# "ref") >>> + Looking for **wisdom**, guidance, mentorship: find none + Proclaim **gospel** causes **loved** ones to turn against us + **Hurt** deeply by **peer** group bc name of Jesus + Feel **forgotten** by those who claimed to **love** us in God + **See** to how Paul **comforts** Thess: + and receive **encouragement**: --- And we also thank God constantly for this,
that when you **received** the word of God,
which you heard from us, you **accepted** it not as the word of **men**
but as what it really is, the word of **God**,
which is at work in you believers. [1 Thessalonians 2:13 (ESV)](# "ref") [Aaron Burden](https://unsplash.com/photos/c333d6YEhi0 "caption") >>> + Preach **Word** vs speak as **indiv** + pers **opinion**, advice from **exp**: word of **man** + But when share from **Scrip**, to extent holds **closely**: + Word of **God**: authority + Belongs to **God**, heard from **us**, taken up by **you** + "But **pastor** said its ok" (or **Sean**): don't want **resp**! + **ID**: not denom, polit affil, preacher + but as disciple of **Christ** + Each of us **accountable** before God for own actions + **no** auth in self: only **Word** + e.g., teach kids what not to **eat** + James 1 has **promise** for each: --- But one who has **looked intently**
at the perfect law, the **law of freedom**, and has continued in it, not having become
a **forgetful hearer** but an **active doer**, this person will be blessed in what he does. [James 1:25 (NASB)](# "ref") [Aaron Burden](https://unsplash.com/photos/1EbsMYrAu-s "caption") >>> + "look intently": bend / **stoop down** + inspect, **curious** + **self-motiv**: God is not **obtuse**, + but need **study** Scrip deeply + Not mere **acad** interest (Bible trivia), + but aim to **obey**: faith in **action** + Be **honest** w/self: --- # What is my
**attitude** towards
God's **Word**? >>> + Answer not to **impress** others but + for **self** + **God** at **work** in me + **empowering** me to be active **doer** + Sometimes, I could **care** less: + **irrel**, diff **culture** / age + Or **tired** / stressed: flip for **comfort** + but **encour** passages (like 1Thes!) seem **empty** + Then get **angry** at God: + are You so **naive** / blind to real + pain / injust suff by **me** + others? + Not that Bible doesn't deal w/**sin** + but I don't want to **read** those passages + for fear of having to confront my **own** sin + What is my **attitude** towards God's Word? --- ## Orphaned but not Unloved When we feel: 1. Directionless [(v13)](# "ref") 1. **Attacked** [(v14-16)](# "ref") 1. Forgotten [(v17-20)](# "ref") >>> + When I feel **directionless** without a mentor: + **Dive** into Scrip, **seek** out others w/same mindset + When I feel **attacked** bc of name of Jesus: + Know that I'm not **alone** in suffering: --- For you, brothers, became **imitators**
of the **churches** of God in Christ Jesus
that are in Judea. For you **suffered** the same things
from your own **countrymen**
as they did from the Jews, [1 Thessalonians 2:14 (ESV)](# "ref") [Mario Purisic](https://unsplash.com/photos/jG1z5o7NCq4 "caption") >>> + This suff is conseq of **repent**, of + walking **worthy** of God who calls (v12): + Implicitly reveals **world** chases / **values** / prides is + in wrong **dir**: so naturally, most will take **offense**. + Now, if I **sin** + endure suffer for it: not to my **credit**. + But if I endure suffering for doing **good**, + then I experience God's **grace**. + Not **seek out** martyrdom, certainly not for own **glory**: + "imitators": **mimic**, copy: similar, not necc. **goal** + Simlarity is: **countrymen** / tribe / family / peers + felt we **betrayed** them, so they: --- who killed both
the Lord **Jesus** and the **prophets**,
and drove **us** out,
and displease **God**
and oppose all **mankind**
by hindering us from speaking to the Gentiles
that they might be saved — [1 Thessalonians 2:15-16 (ESV)](# "ref") [Luis Quintero](https://unsplash.com/photos/ibWxfQOePt4 "caption") >>> + Regarding **Christ** + prophets: killed + **us** (Paul, Tim): persecute / pursue + **God**: not (desiring to) pleasing + **people** (any who preach gospel): stand opposed + We ought not to be **surprised** by persecution; + Christ reminded His **disciples**: --- If they **persecuted** me,
they will also persecute you.
If they **kept my word**, they will also keep yours. But all these things they will do to you
on account of **my name**,
because they do not know him who **sent** me. [John 15:20-21 (ESV)](# "ref") [Aaron Burden](https://unsplash.com/photos/o--lefJNe0w "caption") >>> + If we **look** like Chr, **act** as He did, + world will **oppose** us as it did Chr. + But our concern is not to prove others **wrong** + but simply to **abide** in Chr: branch in **vine** + End **result** for those who **oppose** gospel: --- so as always to **fill up**
the measure of their **sins**.
But **wrath** has come upon them at last! [1 Thessalonians 2:16b (ESV)](# "ref") [Łukasz Łada](https://unsplash.com/photos/q7z-AUlHPaw "caption") >>> + Accum more + more **sin** + God's wrath already **begun** (reached) + "at last": to **end** / utmost / complete: thorough + Notably absent: **revenge**: God is **just** + judge, + doesn't need our **help** to judge + As for those **opposed** to Christ: **hope** for repent, + but **persevere** in proclaiming gospel: + You don't need to **wait** for loved ones to believe + before **continuing** to share with others + When feel **isolated** by those who **misund** + mock + for following in Christ's **footsteps**: + Remember we are not **alone** in suffering for Christ --- # **Who** else has
endured **suffering**
for the gospel? >>> + Take **courage** from **prophets** of old: + "Hall of **faith**" in Heb 11, + early church **fathers**, + **missionaries** of prev centuries, + Those now **still** being persecuted for Christ; + even though don't **see** them regularly: + Fighting on another **hilltop** in same conflict + not against **flesh** + blood but **Satan's** schemes + Who else has endured **suffering** for sake of gospel? --- ## Orphaned but not Unloved When we feel: 1. Directionless [(v13)](# "ref") 1. Attacked [(v14-16)](# "ref") 1. **Forgotten** [(v17-20)](# "ref") >>> + **Expect** gospel to encounter **opposition** + that **sin** might become utterly **sinful**. + Be encouraged that you are not **alone** + in **suffering** for the name of Jesus. + But bc don't get to **see** those coworkers in Chr + often feel **forgotten** by them + as though they don't **care**: v17 --- But since we were **torn away** from you,
brothers, for a **short** time,
in **person** not in **heart**, [1 Thessalonians 2:17 (ESV)](# "ref") [Nancy, France. Rémi Walle](https://unsplash.com/photos/UOwvwZ9Dy6w "caption") >>> + "torn away": **orphaned**, separated + Spent maybe **3 weeks** in Thess: + preach **gospel**, est **church**, then **left** + Thess: "why haven't you **returned**? Do you **care**?" + Similar themes in **Cor**, **Phil**, etc. + Felt **orphaned**, w/o pastor / **leader** + But actually it was **Paul** who felt orphaned! + "in person" (**face** to face), not in **heart** + Only for "short time": an **hour**'s time: will pass --- we endeavored the more **eagerly** and with
great desire to see you face to face, because we wanted to come to you —
I, Paul, **again and again** — but **Satan** hindered us. [1 Thessalonians 2:17-18 (ESV)](# "ref") [Avenue of the Giants, CA. John Towner](https://unsplash.com/photos/3Kv48NS4WUU "caption") >>> + had "great desire": **heat**, passion in hearts + desired "more eagerly": **quickness** / run to see you + not **reluctantly** out of obligation + and "wanted": made actual **plans** + "again and again": **once** and **twice** [(+)](https://koine-greek.com/2012/07/25/once-and-twice-the-countability-of-events/) + **tried** to come: specific, repeated instances + **Opposition** to gospel not only by **people** + but even **supernatural** forces + Paul **comforts** Thess: not don't **care** about you, + Of **course** desire eagerly to visit you! **Why**? + bc **this** is what you **mean** to us: --- For what is our **hope** or **joy**
or **crown** of boasting
before our Lord Jesus at his coming? Is it not you?
For you are our **glory** and **joy**. [1 Thessalonians 2:19-20 (ESV)](# "ref") [Sarah Penney](https://unsplash.com/photos/-6nDec_KT7U "caption") >>> + We who **toil** in love for sake of name of Chr + rcv very little **glory** / thx / reward in this life + But when Christ **returns** in glory? + then our **trust** in Him will be **vindicated** + **Fruit** of labour is see God's **handiwork** in your lives: + **hope**, **joy**, **glory** / crown of boasting + not in **own** achievement, but work of **HS** + You (your **progress** in faith) **matter** to God + and to **others** who have spoken His Word to you --- # Why should we
continue **growing**
in faith in Christ? >>> + So easy to **give up**, stop growing, stay stagnant + try **decent** pers, don't **push** to know Chr more. + **Others** do this, and seem **happy**, content, success: + Why do I have to **work** at it? **Study** Bible intently, + strive for pers **holiness**, taking **cross** daily, + Persev in **serving** + **proclaiming** gospel to those + who take **offense** + call me a **traitor**? + Is it **worth** it? Don't **give up** hope! + Your progress + **maturity** in faith brings **glory** to God. + You are being **cheered** on by cloud of many **witnesses** + for whom **you** are their hope / joy / glory. + Why should we cont **growing** deeper in faith in Chr? --- >>> + When **directionless**: **delight** in Word + humbly **obey**. + When **hurt** by those who oppose You: + **persevere** in sharing gospel in **love**, + not **alone**, many others suffering for name of Jesus. + When feel **forgotten** by everyone: + proven **faith** in You is more precious + than **gold** which perishes in fire. + Forgive us for neglecting to **nurture** our trust in You + Bring us **home** again in Your arms + Breathe in us to **live** again in Your life + Energise to **proclaim** Word w/all boldness + To **praise**, honour, glory of name of Chr at Your return